F2F Class Notes (Ben) (online)


cite = report on somebody’s words, quote

“You must love each other as brothers” is a citation from the Bible

My wife said learning languages is boring. It’s not my opinion, I’m just citing her.

Citing my wife, learning languages is boring.

collusion = a secret (and often illegal) agreement between 2 people, 密谋

Citing a Russian newspaper, there is a collusion between Mr Trump and the Russian government.

a nut job = a crazy person

an entity = 实体a thing that exists. It’s often used as a polite way to design an organization, a person, an association, a country, etc.

The local government doesn’t like to say much to foreign entities.

mount = to become a mount, a mountain, to pile up

More and more people are saying the truth against Trump. Evidence is mounting.

a witch-hunt = a persecution of people believed to be witches (or during the Cold War, communist)

Donald Trump called the ongoing Russia investigation a “witch-hunt”, but reporters have just found a boiling cauldron and a closet full of broomsticks.

a takeaway = the most important part of a story/lesson, the part that you should take away with you in your mind, 要害,关键

The takeaway of this article is that Trump has unclear relations with Russia.

a blockbuster = a very popular movie or book

Star Wars or Avatar are blockbusters. Trump’s relations with Russia look like a blockbuster story.

Blockbusters often show American presidents in collusion with foreign entities.