F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Read and summarize before next class.



the job stifled my creativity

close to my home

my work now              (Now is not an ADJ.)

my current ADJ. work

can you tell me what is funny about this?  what is the punchline?

tea break/time

stifleto stop (someone) from doing or expressing something

eg: I felt stifled at my last job, I never got a chance to do creative things.

ketchup – fan qie jiang NOT tomato sauce, it is made from tomato sauce, but is sweet and thick

eg: Ketchup is best on french fries.

tomato sauce – xi hong shi jiang

eg: Tomato sauce or “red” sauce is used with pasta.

formula – milk for babies

eg: We design ads for infant formula.


Heinz – Hi en z’       (Together!)