F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Propose V. to suggest an idea or agreement
eg: I think he is going to propose to you tonight. (marriage proposal)

Proposal N. – a suggested idea.
eg: The boss didn’t accept my budget proposal. She said we need to cut the budget.

Topic N. – hua ti, someone or something that people talk or write about
eg: We have a few topics to talk about this meeting.

Fact – something that is true, you can not disagree.
eg: Apples grow on trees, that’s a fact.
eg: Cats have tails, fact!

Opinion – something that you think or believe. good or bad
eg: That’s your opinion.


Sorry, if I interrupted you.

Please don’t interrupt me.

Excuse me, can I finish? …what I was saying


I’m positive that      (100% know)

I know that.           (99% know)

I feel like                (60% know)

In my opinion         (I think)

The way I see things   (wo de guan dian)     /  From my perspective (guan dian)