F2F Class Notes (Ben)


implicit (adj)= that is suggested but not clearly expressed
It’s implicit that you should respect the rules when you travel to another country.
If someone says ‘See you tomorrow’, it’s implicit that it’s not the last time you see them.
We had an implicit agreement. We never spoke about it but it was clear.
It’s implicit that you should be polite to your guests.

explicit (adj) = that is clearly said, very straightforward (a rule, an agreement, an order, an opinion)
If someone says “I don’t want to see you. Go away”, this is very explicit. There is no doubt about their intentions.
Some rules need to be very explicit so there is no misunderstanding.
I have never given my explicit agreement.
Traffic rules are very explicit: don’t run a red light, don’t go over the speed limit.

When you are in an office with many people around, it’s implicit that you shouldn’t smoke, even if there is no explicit sign on the wall.

An implicit way to say you want to leave: “When is the last metro?”
An explicit way to say it: “Wow, it’s late. I should go!”

a boundary = the limit of a country, or of your personal space
In a couple, boundaries should be explicit.
Germans put a clear boundary between work and life.
My girlfriend is always trying to push my boundaries. It’s so annoying !


from my wake-up to now –>
1. since I woke up until now
2. from the moment I woke up until now

in my opinion

She doesn’t have her own place.