F2F Class Notes _3rd May (Harmony)

Homework Apr 27th:

  • Print out the article, and write the amount of syllables for each word.

Read more:http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1603/160331-women-only-4.html#ixzz4701qlYrF

It’s a good chance to close my babyto be close to my baby

Took the milk for her – prepared the milk for her


Lack (lahk)

Hungrier (hung – gree  – er) 3

Calories (cal – or – eez) 3

Crave:  to desire, to want.

Ex:  I always crave chocolate after dinner.

Ex:  I crave to lose 2kg of weight.

Twenties (twen – tees)

Palatable: (adj.)  something that is acceptable or agreeable.  Usually used when talking about good tasting food.

Ex:  The food was not palatable. = the food tasted gross and we couldn’t eat it.

Ex:  I crave palatable foods after work.

Ex:  Everybody craves to eat palatable food, but it doesn’t mean they eat the healthy food.

However, in the second situation, the volunteers could not resist “highly palatable, rewarding snacks”. This happened just 90 minutes after they had eaten a meal that gave them 90 per cent of their required daily calories.

  • So, 90 minutes after the meal they couldn’t resist the snacks.
  • They shouldn’t have needed a snack because this meal gave them 90% of their required daily calories.

Munchies: (noun, plural) slang: the desire to snack.  The desire to eat unhealthy food, when you don’t need to.

Ex:  As the article told us, people get the munchies within 90 minutes after they finished their food.

Ex:  I always get the munchies when I watch TV.

Wondered (one – derd) 2

University 5

Derived (de – rivd) 2

Deprived:  to lack something, usually a necessity of life.

Ex: If you are deprived of food you will not work well.

Ex:  Mothers who are deprived of sleep crave snacks.

Chips = French fries (Britain)

Crisps  = potato chips (Britain)

Healthier 3

Words that have an extra syllable when adding ED are
words that end in T or D. –

  • Lasted/ Wanted/ Repeated/ Visited/ Needed/ Ended/ Included/ Added/ Decided

Observed (ob – zervd)

Averaged (av – er – agd) 3

Missing your emailsorry I missed your email

Borne: (past tense of bear), to have held or supported

Ex:  I had borne their expenses.

Rule (rule) 1  – shorted it to one syllable