F2F Class Notes _21st Apr (Harmony)

Hot water and you can spend it in it, and it is good for your body – Hot water that you can sit in, and it is good for your body.

Hot springs:  natural hot water that is healthy to sit in.

Tickle:  to touch someone in a funny way to make them laugh.

Ex:  The fish tickled my feet.

I ordered a hotel – I booked a hotel

Theme park/ Amusement park:  a park that has rides and other activities.  Similar to Disneyland.

Dinosaur:  an large extinct animal.

Extinct:  does not exist anymore.

Ex:  Panda’s are in danger of becoming extinct.

Some activities has the strict condition –

Some activities – some rides


Roller coaster:  a large ride, where you sit in a seat with wheels and are strapped in with a seatbelt and ride on a track.

Seal:  a sea animal that has a face similar to a dog (whiskers), and a two fins and a tail.


Playing pass:  the game where you toss a ball back and forth.

Ex:  The seals played pass with a ball and their noses.

Even we want to buy her clothes even if …..

We want to let her more pretty – we want to dress her more pretty


Take a dinner – have dinner/ have a meal


Retirement home:  a place for elderly people to live and receive the care they need.

The hardest people is my mother – My mother has the hardest job/ It’s the hardest on my mother