F2F Class Notes _18th May (Harmony)
Sneaky: underhanded, tricky, deceitful.
Ex: Real estate agencies in China are sneaky.
Own a cat/ have a cat
Pregnant (preg – nunt)
Whispering (wis – per – ing)
Puppy/puppies: baby dogs.
Anticipate: to expect something to happen in the future.
Until now I haven’t do nothing – until now I haven’t done anything/ I haven’t had to do anything
“let the dog out”: the dog needs to go pee/poo
refrigerator (re – frig – er – a – ter)
fridge: short word for refrigerator.
Sneeze: aaahhhchoo! When your nose gets irritated and you make noise.
Allergy: a sensitivity to something.
Eg. The boy had an allergic reaction to the cat.
Eg. He is allergic to cats.
Eg. I have an allergy to peanuts.
Similar of me – similar to me
Yogurt (yo –gurt)
Fish tank: a big glass square to keep fish in.
Stuffed animals: animals that have died and have been stuffed to be put on display.
- The art of taxidermy
Specimen: a part of sample of something used for maybe a test or an experiment.
Dinosaur: large extinct animal from prehistoric times.
Extinct: no longer exists.
Eg. Pandas are in danger of becoming extinct.
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