F2F Class Notes _15th June (Harmony)***

*** next class:  continue reading the article.



particularly – make sure you get all the syllables.


Poverty (paw – ver – tee): being poor.

14th (four – teenthhhh)

precariously (pre – care – e – us – lee):  unstable/insecure/ dangerously/ no foundation.

Eg.  The cat sat precariously on the windowsill.

Eg.  Playing with fire is a precarious activity.

underemployment (under – em – ploy – ment)

rampant (ram – pent):  not controlled/out of control.

Eg.  The children ran rampant through the house.

lack (lahk)

recipe (reh – si – pee):  the instructions for how to make a dish of food. (ingredients list)

came of age/coming of age:  grew up/ a teenager turning into an adult

“the depression”:  America the era before WW2.  Poor economy.

Depression/recession:  a period of poor economy in a country.

Low years:  low income years.

Instilled/ instil:  ingrained/ built in.  Sth you have heard so much that it becomes a part of you.

Eg.  My father instilled in me the importance of saving money.

Eg.  My father instilled in me the importance of respecting elders.

Eg.  I will instil in her a compassion for animals.

Assessment:  a judgement/ research.

Assess:  to estimate or judge the value.

Eg.  When you sell your house/apartment a professional will come in to assess the worth of the property.

Wages:  salary.

Wage: (usually) an hourly rate.

Unflinching (un – flinch –ing):  looking straight on.  Not turning away.

Eg.  I need to learn how to stay unflinching when facing difficulty.

Flinching/flinch/flinched:  turning away when afraid of sth dangerous.

Eg.  The boy flinched when he thought he was going to get hit in the face.

Eg.  Flinching is a natural way of protecting ourselves.

TV shows:

Series:  the whole tv show

Seasons:  separate parts of the tv show (year)

Episode:  the 20-40 min portion of the tv show.