F2F Class Notes _15th June (Harmony)
photographed (verb): having a photo taken.
Eg. Someone photographed me while I was sleeping.
healthy baby boy = the baby is a boy, and it’s healthy.
Decade: ten years
Eg. I have two good friends which I met a decade ago.
Fertility (ferr – till – ih – tee): the state/quality of being fertile.
Eg. I think my classmate’s who wasn’t pregnant for many years, she went to a fertility clinic.
Fertile (ferr – tyle): able to have produce children/plants.
Eg. She was not fertile, so she couldn’t have a baby.
Eg. If you want to grow corn, you need fertile soil.
Initially (in – ih – shull – ee): at first/ at the beginning.
Eg. If you want to get a good score initially, you should pay attention to your lessons.
2013 – two thousand (and) thirteen/ twenty thirteen
IVF- in vitro fertilisation: making a baby outside the body, then planting it in the woman.
Frail: delicate/breakable/ weak.
Eg. In the summer as the weather gets/is very hot I always feel frail.
Conceive: to get pregnant
Eg. When I wanted to conceive, my husband stopped smoking.
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