F2F Class Notes 8th August (Jesse)

Homework: memory / used to do / schedule / calendar / make sth out of sth
topic: talk about art class at school, and something you made. – REMEMBER PAST!!!

train (business) / teach (school)

no i haven’t been to he nan

air conditioner – kong tiao

conditioner – hu fa su

shampoo (wash) + condition (after)

i have little money – i don’t have much money

Money / Friends 
I have a lot
I have some
I don’t have much / many
I don’t have any

sensitive – to feel a lot very easily
eg. some girls are very sensitive about their bodies
eg. some boys are sensitive about their muscles

westerners are very sensitive about racism

schedule – the things you will do at what time. – “sked youll”
eg. this week my schdule is very open (free) / busy (full)
eg2. Jesse will schedule Ben to work at SH Stadium tonight from 6PM

calendar – ri li
eg. I will write my schedule in my calendar so I can remember

at school i often write my schedule in my calendar. If i don’t write it, i will forget my schedule. When I was a child I didn’t forget because children have a good memory.

memory – how well you can remember things
eg. I have a good memory for names, but I’m really bad at remembering songs.

toy – wan ju

sand – sha zi

When you were a kid did you have a favourite thing to play with?
When I was a child, I often played with sand with my friends at garden park. We thought it was really interesting as the sand was soft and it could become anything. We often used sand became to animals and big house.

used to do = often did
eg. I used to play with sand

use sth to make sth (make sth out of sth) / turn sth into sth (sth turns into sth)
eg. I hope that this child turns into a good person.
eg2. I can make coffee out of beans and water.
eg3. I can turn wood into a house
eg4. I can make a house out of wood

I want that you are a good student
This drink is a drink that I want.
This drink is a drink which i want.