F2F Class Notes 8th August (Celeste)

Silly Story

I went to America on Tuesday, twelfth of July. I went to a big city. On the first day, I played with the bananas. On the second day, I played with the apples. On the third day, I played with watermelons. On the fourth day, I went to school and my teacher was a boy monkey. I read some books about animals and foods. I learned about some apples. On the fifth day, I went to school at 1 o’clock in the morning I ate some teachers. The teachers are yummy. On the sixth day, I ran in the pig park and the pigs ate me. On the seventh day, I was in the pig’s mouth. I needed help.


I went to America on Tuesday, the twelfth of July. I went to Lakeland, Florida. On the first day, I played with the purple bananas at 8 o’clock in the morning. On the second day, I played with the black apples at 2 o’clock in the morning. On the third day, I played with small, blue watermelons at 10 o’clock at night. On the fourth day, I went to school at 1 o’clock in the morning and my teacher was a green, boy monkey. I read some books about scary animals and bad foods. I learned about some magic apples. On the fifth day, I went to school at 1 o’clock in the morning and I ate some fish teachers. The fish teachers told me about swimming. I like swimming in the purple pig’s mouth. The teachers were yummy. On the sixth day, I ran in the pig park at 12 o’clock at night and the green pigs ate me. On the seventh day, I was in the pig’s mouth. I needed help.

chicken hands – chicken wings

eg.  I like to eat chicken wings in Florida.

Did you make any new friends? = Did you meet any new people?