F2F Class Notes 7th March (Raph)
Majority the larger number or part of something.
E.g.: The majority of the employees have university degrees.
Minority (n): 1- a smaller number or part.
E.g.: It’s only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.
Collapse (v): 1- to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support
E.g.: Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.
Cause (v/n): 1- to make something happen, especially something bad. 2- the reason why something happens.
E.g.: Most scientists believe that Global Warming is real and we are the ones causing it.
Efficient (adj): 1- working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way.
E.g.: The city’s transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe.
Deforestation (n): 1- the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people.
E.g.: Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
Aspect (n): 1- one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc..
E.g.: Which aspects of the job do you most enjoy?
Education (n): 1- the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this.
E.g.: As a child he received most of his education at home.
Finland (n): 1- 芬兰
Cause: /kɑːz/
Male: /meɪl/
Female: /ˈfiː.meɪl/
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