F2F Class Notes March 7th (Ben)

initial = 原始的,开始的

My initial project was to go out but I was tired so I stayed home.

an initiative = new idea, new project, a starting project

troll = try to make people angry, play jokes on someone

intimidate = make someone timid (shy) = to scare someone

validate = 批准 , show something is true, or right or acceptable

Einstein’s e=mc² equation was just a theory, but after he died it was validated by experiments.

He thinks all foreigners should leave China. I don’t validate this person’s ideas.

theme = central topic

a phobia = a strong fear of something

I have a phobia of spiders and insects.

homophobia = a dislike and fear of gays

islamophobia = a dislike and fear of Muslims

xenophobia = a dislike and fear of foreigners (= a bit like racism)

neo- = new

neocolonial = 新殖eo义

neo-Nazis = 新纳粹

an extract 节录 (ex = out, tract = pull –> Extract = pull out)

I have one tooth extracted yesterday (=pulled out)

This text was extracted from a newspaper article. It is an extract of a newspaper article.


unbeknownst to A = without A knowing

As a child, I would often leave home at night to stay with my friends, unbeknownst to my parents.

alleged = accused by an allegation

Trump is an alleged liar but nobody was able to prove it so far. He allegedly lied about being wiretapped.


called = “cald”


