F2F Class Notes 5th July (Celeste)

New Vocabulary

seep v.- when a liquid soaks through sth
seep / seeping / seeped / will seep

eg. The rain seeped through my umbrella and my coat.

soak v. – to submerge sth in liquid/ when water gets through sth
soak / soaking / soaked / will soak

eg. She soaked my feet in hot water before my pedicure.

manicure/mani n. – hand spa treatment usually to paint fingernails
pedicure/pedi n. – manicure for toenails

eg. Let’s go for mani/pedis!

disintegrate v. – when sth falls apart/disappears into small pieces
disintegrate / disintegrating / disintegrated / will disintegrate

eg. The little pot disintegrated when it fell from the top of the building.

bitchfest  n./v.[native] – to complain about sth, similar to gossip

eg. We had a bitchfest at work yesterday.
eg. Let’s bitchfest!
vegans n. – only eats plants and plant biproducts
vegetarians n. – eat mostly plants with some animal biproducts


He has a lot of humor. He tries to make the atmosphere easy. He thinks those poems are good and he wants to read them. He always talks about that person, Steven Wright, and he likes acting some of Steven’s human behaviors. He thinks Steven is very humorous and he wants me to know about that so he just performed it for me.

He is always teaching with a lot of enthusiasm. I know that he loves music and he plays music. He is very easy going His note is classified with different themes, so it is very clear for me to review the note.


He has a lot of humor. He tries to make the atmosphere easy. He thinks those poems are good and he wants to read them. He always talks about that comedian, Steven Wright, and he likes acting out/imitate some of Steven’s human behaviors. He thinks Steven is very humorous and he wants me to know about that so he just performed it for me.

He is always teaching with a lot of enthusiasm. I know that he loves music and he plays music. He is very easy going. His notes are classified with different themes/categories, so it is very clear for me to review the notes.