F2F Class Notes 5th July (Celeste)

New Vocabulary

occupation n. – job/work/career

holiday – public holiday, Dragon Boat Festival, Christmas
vacation – time off from work/school, summer vacation

If you believe in Christianity, you are Christian.

back in the day [native] – a long time ago
eg. Back in the day, when I was in elementary school, I was a nerd.

eg. Back in the day, I dreamed to be an announcer.

announcer – news anchors (at the desk) / reporters (in the field)

nerd – bookworm

elegant adj. – fancy, higher level

eg. She is wearing a very elegant dress.

Sentence Style

I can get this position. > I have the opportunity to get this position.
At this important point, we recruited a new colleague and he is very like senior specialist.

While the promotion was being decided upon by my boss, we hired a new colleague who is a senior specialist.
His team is higher than my team. > His new team has more skills because they deal with complex technical issues.
It was really negative. > There’s very few positions that are suitable for my level/experience/seniority.