F2F Class Notes 5th January (Tanya)


fable – stories that feature talking animals, usually with a moral lesson

e.g. Carol likes to read fables to her son.

moral lesson – a lesson about what’s good or bad

e.g. A fable usually contains a moral lesson.

pupil – student

e.g. There’s about thirty pupils in this class.

ethnicity –  种族

e.g. We read in an article that kids with a Chinese ethnicity score, on average, higher than their peers.

comparison – the act of comparing

e.g. In a comparison of education systems of the world, Singapore came out on top.

work ethic – the attitude you have regarding work

e.g. My friend has a very good work ethic, she always finishes her papers on time.



The Chinese education – The Chinese education system


my own hobbies

