F2F Class Notes 5th January (Raph)


In a Nutshell: 1- using as few words as possible. 
Well, to put it in a nutshell, we’re lost.

Creationism (n): 1- the belief that the world was made by God exactly as described in the Bible.
E.g.: Creationism isn’t science, so it shouldn’t be taught in schools.

Stage (n): 1- a part of an activity or a period of development.
The project is in its final stages and should be completed by August.

Period (n): 1- a length of time.
Her work means that she spends long periods away from home.

Writing exercise


Today is another rainy and smoggy day. I almost fell asleep in the suffocative office after lunch. Then I thought why don’t I watch a nutshell video and let the science and knowledge refresh me up. It’s shame to say that in the scientific world I feel myself is still a new-born baby.
Despite the poor internet and the high speaking speed, I’ve watched a video explaining the population explosion for several times and grasped the concept. Apparently the world population has skyrocketed fourfold to 7.4 billion in last century. So what will happen next? Will the earth be overpopulated by human and go to destruction?
Nutshell tells us the overpopulation is simply a stage in the demographic transition which applies to all of the countries. Countries are in different periods depending on their development. Take UK as an example, the explosive growth happened after their industrial revolution when people’s living standards were better, and when child mortality rate declined so as the fertility rate. The population in a developed country would slow down till a stable rate. In this case the whole world is now experiencing a spike in population which can be seen as a good sign of development.
However I wonder whether the fifth stage is the aging and decline which troubles countries like Japan and European countries.


Today is another rainy and smoggy day and I almost fell asleep in the suffocating office after lunch. After that I thought “why don’t I watch an In a Nutshell video and let science and knowledge freshen me up?”. It’s shame to say that in the scientific world I feel like I am still a new-born baby.
Despite the poor internet and how fast they speak in their videos, I watched a video explaining “population explosion” several times and was able to grasp the concept. Apparently the world population has skyrocketed fourfold to 7.4 billion in the last century. So what will happen next? Will the Earth be destroyed by human overpopulation?
In a Nutshell tells us that overpopulation is simply a stage in the demographic transition, which applies to all countries. Countries are in different stages of their development process. Take the UK as an example, the explosive growth happened after their Industrial Revolution when people’s living standards gotten better, and when both child mortality and fertility rates declined. The population in a developed country would slow down till it reaches a stable rate. In this case the whole world is now experiencing a spike in population which can be seen as a good sign of development.
However I wonder whether the fifth stage is the aging and decline which troubles countries like Japan and some European nations.