F2F Class Notes 5th December (Selma)


to figure out (v) – to understand and slow

e.g. Selma figured out what the problem was.

cardio workout (n) – a type of exercises which help with endurance/stamina

e.g. Typical cardio exercises are swimming, running, biking, etc.

strength workout (n) – exercises which increase the strength of the body and muscles

e.g. Typical strength exercises include weight lifting, push-ups, etc.

endurance (n) – for how long one can do something

e.g. Dorothy’s endurance is great – she can run for 2 hours without a break.

stamina (n) –  for how long can one do something or some sort of exercise

e.g. Dorothy’s stamina is not the best at the moment.


Speaking exercise

I want my body shape to be more beautiful.

I don’t think watching to the TV series is a waste of time. It is everybody’s choice. But I want to be do something more valuable. I think it is a little bit of a waste of your time. I think it’s okay for relaxing. I think things like playing games or watching TV shows is are okay for relaxing. But you can’t always do that, you should do something for your health./to be healthy.