F2F Class Notes December 5th (Ben)

Speaking exercise

Tell the boss I was late to work and you will regret it. Snitches get stitches

a snitch 告密者

stitches ç¼ä¼¤å£

shy –> shyly 

The girl shyly asked what “BF” meant.

时期 times of life / stages of life

People like different things at different times of life.

a breath of fresh air

After a boring day of work, spending the evening with an old friend is a breath of fresh air.

Speaking of (which) = used for introducing something new that you are going to say relating to a subject that someone has just mentioned

  • I’ve been spending the evening with my mom
  • Speaking of family, my father is coming tomorrow.
Tip : Westerners often use speaking of which to make jokes or implicit comments to each other 有内涵的评论

  • It’s OK if you fail. Nobody’s perfect.
  • Speaking of which, where’s your wife tonight?

(This is a way to imply his wife is far from perfect)

  • If you eat bad food, you might end up with a parasite
  • Speaking of which, how’s your girlfriend?

(This is a way to imply that his girlfriend is a parasite)

  • I think watching TV all day long is a waste of time.
  • Speaking of which, how are your Japanese classes?

(I an implying that your Japanese classes are a waste of time, probably because you are too stupid to understand anything)

Speaking of essays, here’s a story:…


fall / fell / fallen

feel / felt / felt

They were sitting on recliners when the woman asked

spend / spent / spent


an essay = S.A