F2F Class Notes 3rd April (Raph)


Overwork (v): 1- to (cause someone to) work too much.
E.g.: You look exhausted – I hope they’re not overworking you.

Overworked (adj): 1- having to work too much.
E.g.: I’m overworked and underpaid!

​Address (n): 1- the number of the house, name of the road, and name of the town where a person lives or works, and where letters can be sent.
E.g.: His address is 100 Main Street – Beijing, China.

Address (v): 1- to speak or write to someone. 2-to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem.
E.g.: He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience. / He likes to be addressed as “Sir” or “Mr Partridge”.
E.g.: We need to address the issues regarding quality control.

Time-lapse (n): 1- used to refer to a method of filming very slow actions by taking a series of single pictures over a period of time and then putting them together to show the action happening very quickly. 2- 延时
E.g.: They filmed a beautiful time-lapse of the sunset.

Malaria (n): 1- 疟疾


After I go to there. – After I go there. 

When I back. – When I go back.

Time is over – Time’s up.


Style /staɪl/

Exhausted: /ɪɡˈzɑː.stɪd/

Address (n): /ˈæd.res/

Address (v): 1- /əˈdres/