F2F Class Notes 3rd March (Raph)


Flawed (adj): 1-  not perfect, or containing mistakes:
E.g.: Diamonds are still valuable, even when they are flawed.

Westernized (n): 1-  having a culture like North America and western Europe.
E.g.: People worry that, as people become more and more westernized, the local culture will be lost.

Add-on (n): 1 an extra part that is added, especially to an officially organized plan, system, agreement, etc..a piece of equipment that can be connected to a computer to give it an extra use:
E.g.: Legal expenses cover is often sold as an add-on to household insurance policies.
E.g.: A printer is a useful add-on.

Marble (n): 1- 大理石


Tomb: /tuːm/

Superstitious: /ˌsuː.pɚˈstɪʃ.əs/