F2F Class Notes 30th December (Tony)


yes man – a person who always pretends to agree with their boss, even if they don’t actually agree.

eg: “The company is just looking to hire a yes man, not someone who will make a lot of changes.”

upper hand – If someone has an advantage over someone else, he or she has the “upper hand.”

eg: ” I’m patient which makes me have the upper hand over the other candidates when I’m looking for a job.”

uphill battle – something that is difficult because you are in a less powerful position

eg: “It isn’t going to be an uphill when I move back to my hometown to find a job.”

up in the air – something is undecided

eg: “It’s not up in the air whether I will move back to my hometown or not, I’ve already made the plan.” “Whether I will go to America for a trip is still up in the air.”

under the table – in business, something that is done secretly and usually illegally

eg: “To avoid paying taxes they paid some of their employees under the table.”

twist someone’s arm –  to persuade or convince someone to do something that he or she does not want to do.

eg: “Jerry had to twist his girlfriend’s arm to watch a film that she didn’t want to see.”

Last month blizzard shipped us a package containing a lot of samples. They valued them very high, which caused them to be held by Chinese Customs. My boss asked me to get these samples out of Customs. I found an agent to help us, but they had to make a 3-c certification under the table for these samples… To Be Continued…