F2F Class Notes 2nd March (Raph)


Sticky (adj): 1- made of or covered with a substance that stays attached to any surface it touches.
E.g.: The floor’s still sticky where I spilled the juice.

Sesame (n): 1- a herb grown for its small oval seeds and its oil. 2- 芝麻
E.g.: Sesame seeds are really good for your health.

Savory (adj): 1- Savory food is salty or spicy and not sweet in taste.
E.g.: A pie can be sweet or savory.

Red beans (n): 1-  红豆
E.g.: Red beans are usually sweet in China, but in the West they’re usually savory.

Rice dumplings (n): 汤圆

Mid-Autumn Festival: 中秋节

Dragon boat Festival: 端午节

Tomb Sweeping Day: 清明节


Familiar: /fəˈmɪl.i.jɚ/

Cantonese: /kæn.təˈniːz/

Cuisine: /kwɪˈziːn/

Fruit: /fruːt/