F2F Class Notes 4th February (Tony)


picked up my dog

picked my dog up

take a shortcut

legal terminology

use the traction between the mat and your skin, to create tension on the surface of your skin as you tuck your chin. This will release the pressure on the nape of your neck and release tension between your vertebrae. 

decadent adj. – in excess, very luxurious, or more than you need

eg: “It was such a decadent dinner, I feel like I don’t need to eat for a week.”

decadence N. – unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence.

eg: “Decadence in Tokyo became too much, so they had to start controlling their business spending.”

shorthand – a simple quick way to read or write sth. by making it shorter.

eg: “Businesses often use shorthand phrases for internal communication, but shouldn’t use them when they are speaking to customers.”


write two sentences using luxury and luxurious properly.