F2F Class Notes 2nd December (Tony)

Q: What day are you on, of 19?

A: I’m on day 12 of 19.


General Company:

Types of Companies:

International/Global, Private, State-Owned/Run, NGO (Non-Government Organization), Non-Profit Organization (Greenpeace), Start-up (new company/ help start other new companies), Corporation.

Actions within companies:


Acquisition(n) Acquire(v) eg: “Larger companies acquire smaller companies to eliminate the competition.”

Lay Off – to let go of someone for reasons that the company does not need them anymore

fire – to let someone go because they violated the contract or didn’t do the job correctly

downsize – company is reducing the total number of employees, so they are letting go of a lot of people.

Individuals at the company: Board of Directors, Shareholders, Executives (CEO, Chief Executive Officer, CFO, Chief Financial Officer, COO…)

If I owned Ferrari I would lay off the HR director of Greater China. I don’t think she made proper decisions. Ferrari and Maserati merged because they were acquired by Fiat. I witnessed the HR director fire at least 4 people in 6 months without any reason. I would increase the benefits package. I would not lay off any employees for the next 6 months. I would give all employees a salary bump.