F2F Class Notes 2nd December (Tony)

“I don’t have any plans this weekend, except I plan to stay at home all weekend.” (Allison, dec. 2nd 2016)

Above – “The ceiling is above the coffee cup.” (Not touching, just higher than the object)

On Top Of – “My hand is on top of and above the coffee cup.” (Touching/ directly near)

On – directly attached to or touching something else, on the bottom, on the side.

Below – Just under or lower than something, could be far or not touching eg: “The river is below the bridge.”

Under – Closer than below, but still lower than something else eg: “He was hiding under the blanket.”

There is = There’s a man at a bus stop.

I’m bored with my work. Bored of reading this book.

I’m confused about their reactions to my win.

I’m depressed about what happened to her recently.

I’m disappointed about his behavior.

My daughter is too young to be embarrassed about anything.

I was excited about getting a bonus.

I was scared of seeing people bleeding.

I’m interested in Chinese poems.

I was surprised by the gift my students gave me. I was surprised with the results. He was surprised to see her at the party.

I’m worried about being late for work.