F2F Class Notes 29th June (Peter)
I can’t to know what smell it is – I can’t figure out what it smells like
It’s very different English, Chinese, Arabic – English, Chinese, and Arabic are very different
I don’t often to go shopping – I don’t go shopping often/I don’t often go shopping
If I’m go shopping – if I go shopping
Most of man – most men
You don’t get sleep enough – you didn’t get enough sleep
I take one hour – it takes one hour
Just my and my colleagues – just me and my colleagues
Cologne – perfume for men
Fruity – smelling like fruit
Arabic – 阿拉伯语
Phonetic – based on sound
Ex. The Arabic writing system is phonetic, but the Chinese writing system is character-based.
Online – 网上
In-person – not online
Stereotype – something that people believe about a group of people (noun),
Ex. The belief that all men hate shopping is a stereotype because some men like shopping.
Short-term – for a short period of time
Long-term – for a long period of time
Twice – two times
Cologne (kuh-LOAN)
Arabic (AIR-uh-bick)
Phonetic (fin-ET-ick)
Opinion (uh-PIN-yin)
Women (WIH-min)
Woman (WUH-min)
District (DISS-trickt)
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