F2F Class Notes 28th July (Harmony)

Is such different – is so different

Mature (mah – chur)

I tried to make him feel comfortable/ I tried to comfort him

He will be overhe will get over it.

He’s always stressful – he’s always stressed and always under pressure

Betray:  to break someone’s trust.

Comfortable silence: when two or more people are comfortable enough to hang out without talking.

Hang out:  spending time with friends/ people.

Old soul:  a person who is old at heart.

  • They like older things
  • They aren’t as social as other people.
  • Like things that aren’t fit for their generation.

Junior/ subordinate/lesser:  someone that you are charge of at work.


Go dutch:  when each person pays for their own food.

Stingy:  a person who doesn’t want to spend money.

Generous:  someone who always wants to give.