F2F Class Notes 28th July (Harmony)


“I gave my two weeks”

department: at work

apartment:  a home

quit from my job – quit my job

how the lessons goinghow the lessons go/how they are set up/how it works


Canadian OT structure options:

  1. Anything over 40 hours/week


  1. Anything over 8 hours/ day

Eg.  4 – 10 Hr Days = 40 hours (no OT – 1) (8 hrs of OT -2)

Eg.  7 – 6 hr days = 42 (2 hrs OT)

My last last jobmy job before last/ My first job (2 jobs ago/ two days ago)

2 days ahead/the day after tomorrow

This Friday. (the Friday of this current week)

Next Friday (next week)

Caucasian:  white people.

Asian: Asian people.

Tanning booth:  a machine you lay in with lights to make you darker.

“happy light” “verilux full spectrum light bulb”

seasonal affective disorder (SAD):  when people get sad/moody during the winter because there’s no sun./their missing vitamins from the sun.