F2F Class Notes 28th July (Celeste)

Do you try to use this app?
Do you use this app? (present)
Have you ever used this app? (in your lifetime)
Have you ever tried this app? (in your lifetime)

The web speed is very slow.
The video / wifi / internet connection is very slow.

anti-social – not social

uniquely  (u nee klee) – special, different, one of a kind

torture – to punish sb for information or a confession, very cruel

occasional – sometimes, talking about time

impression – to imitate or copy sb/sth, to say and do what sb says or does

occasional impression –  sometimes copy sb

modest/humble – not too proud, not flashy, not showy, not boastful

chant / chanting / chanted / will chant v.- usually yelling in a crowd, all together

erupt / erupting / erupted / will erupt v.- to burst or to get bigger quickly