F2F Class Notes 28th February (Cricket)


Write about the best gift you have recieved or given.

publicity-gong gong-something that attracts the attention of the public

eg. Some organizations that are irresponsible may invest in a project that gives them good publicity.

eg. Movie stars get a lot of publicity.

subsidize– zi zhu -if a government or other authority subsidizes something, they pay part of the cost of it

eg. Many industries in America are subsidized by the government: meat, dairy, agriculture

deduct-kou chu- to take away, as from a sum or amount

eg. “Just deduct what I owe you from my paycheck.”

self-sustainingmaintaining or able to maintain oneself or itself by independent effort

eg. The city I designed will be self-sustaining.

parameters-can shu- limit or boundary

eg. My projects are safe because they follow the industry parameters.

OSHA– regulatory safety agency in America




I went to Sichuan province a lot.- I travel to Sichuan a lot for work.

There is a good thing being a freelancer. Being a freelancer is a great thing.

I’m now working on a renovation project.

People who eat seafood may be also eating tiny pieces of plastic. The small pieces of plastic are called microplastics. They are tiny pieces of plastic from the waste and garbage that are in the seas and oceans. They are usually less than a millimeter wide. They are becoming more and more common in seafood such as oysters and mussels as well as other kinds of shellfish. Scientists say there are more than five trillion pieces of microplastic in our oceans. More and more are being added every day. Professor Richard Thompson, a marine biologist at Exeter University, said: “Hundreds of marine organisms encounter plastic at the sea surface or in the water…and many of those encounters are harmful if not fatal.”

Researchers from the University of Ghent in Belgium conducted a study into microplastics and marine life. They believe people eat up to 11,000 pieces of plastic in their food each year. The researchers said that only around 60 of these pieces stay in our body and the rest will disappear down the toilet. Sixty pieces of microplastic may not seem a lot but it will build up over time. They could eventually be bad for our health. Things are likely to get worse. The researchers added that by the end of the century, seafood eaters could consume as many as 780,000 pieces of plastic a year. That is likely to cause many health problems. Scientists say we need to recycle more and find alternatives to plastic.