F2F Class Notes 28th April (Tony) [S]


I didn’t know what I was doing

a friend of the family

he is like my uncle

I wanna be one of the top agents

I wanna be a top agent

I’m one of the top agents

godparent, godfather, godmother – the people who will take care of you, if something bad happens to your parents.

eg: My aunt is my godmother

audio – the sound of something

eg: I recorded some audio of the class.

video – moving images

eg: We made a video, but the microphone was broken, so there was no audio.

Speaking exercise

Original –

In china students just learn some basic skills to do some job. Because most the time they just want to getting more money. It’s important thing for this step. But I think if they have basic skills in this part from they can creative something. I think it’s also good way to created something.


In china students just learn some practical skills to use for a job Because most the time they just want to earn more money. It’s an important ideal for this generation. But I think once they have basic skills  they can create something relevant to their work. I think having a basic skill is also a good way to create something.


read about this Chinese artist:

Li Hongbo