F2F Class Notes April 28th (Peter)


original – corrected

I had some feelings today – I was thinking about something today

They must finished my office on May 1stthey’re supposed to finish the office by May 1st

My boss wants they to pay back – my boss wants a refund


Refund (\ri-ˈfənd, ˈrē-ˌ\)

Construction (\kən-ˈstrək-shən\)

Empathy (\ˈem-pə-thē\)

Sympathy (\ˈsim-pə-thē\)

Euphemism (\ˈyü-fə-ˌmi-zəm\)


Construction Worker – a person who is participating in the building or repair of some place

Ex. In most countries, construction workers are primarily (mostly) male because employers are not willing to hire female construction workers; these employers believe that a female construction worker is not as productive as a male construction worker.

Refund – noun or verb, to return money for an unsatifying purchase

Ex. When I buy clothes online, I exclusively (only) purchase clothes that have a refund policy j ust in case I find that the size does not fit me well.

Harass – to bother, annoy, make uncomfortable

Ex. Many expats avoid the most popular locations in Shanghai because sellers harass the tourists into buying unnecesary souvenirs and massages.

Ex. After years of enduring (surviving, bearing) sexual harassment from her boss, the young female employee finally decided to speak out and to take him to court.

Violate – to break an agreement, to sexually harass someone

Ex. After violating their contract with the company, the construction workers had to give the client a refund for the delay in completion.

Ex. While walking home from the metro at night, the young woman was violated by a gang of three men that took her phone and left her for dead.

Euphemism – a way of saying something indirectly so that it makes people less uncomfortable

Ex. Because many family members were uncomfortable saying “dead,” they replaced the word with “passed away” when talking about their grandfather. (In this situation, “passed away” is a euphasmism for “dead”)

Ex. In addition to some of the more traditional euphamisms, such as “use a rubber” meaning “use a condom” and “I have to go number two” meaning “I have to poo,” another contemporary euphamism is “netflix and chill” meaning “to have sex.”

Internal conflict – a contradiction that takes place in one person’s mind

Ex. When it comes to getting married, I feel conflicted because I know that I don’t want to force myself into an unhappy marriage, but on the other hand I know that my family are all expecting me to get married and I don’t want to disappoint them.

Empathize* – to feel another person’s feelings

Although it has been five years since I graduated college, I still empathize with college students because I remember what it was like to be both stressed and poor.

Sympathize* – to imagine another person’s feelings

Ex. While walking on the street today, I saw a dog with a broken leg and sympathized with him so much that Id ecided to take hime home with me.

*Note: these two words are used in the same way, so you are free to use them interchangeably.

Limp – to walk unevenly because of an injury

Ex. Many beggars fake limping in order to solicit (get) more sympathy from strangers; this w ay, they can make a lot more money.


To “bring someone down” means to make someone sad. Therefore, if something or someone is making you upset or sad, you can say it’s “bringing you down.”

Ex. Would you mind not talking about next week’s exam? You’re really bringing me down.

Ex. This situation is out of your hands (out of your countrol), don’t let it bring you down so much.