F2F Class Notes 27th September (Tony)

Exhibtion show – Exhibition (eggs)

Client – like a long term customer, most likely sign a contract.

headquarters – main office

In phillipine – Our headquarters is in The Phillipines. 

Punctuation – writing marks: (, comma) (. period) 

(Big meaning) – Show, Series, Season, Episode, Scene, Shot, Frame. (Small Meaning)

How do you spell that? 


Insomnia – a condition in which you can’t sleep.

Original –

Last week, a Chinese singer and actor Kimi committed suicide in his apartment. Next day, his agent post the information on Weibo that Kimi died of melancholia. His debut on Shanghai TV show called “Come on, Super boys” in 2007 was first time I knew him. At that time, I was fangirling for his evil appearance. His agent told us Kimi took sleeping pills to relief when he was alive. I don’t know what’s feeling of melancholia which I never go through.
In recent days, every time I read news about him, I felt heartbreaking and wept for his death without any signs.

Correction – 

Last week, Kimi, a Chinese singer and actor committed suicide in his apartment. The next day, his agent posted the information on Weibo that Kimi died of melancholia. His debut on Shanghai TV was called “Come on, Super boys” in 2007 was first time I knew about him. At that time, I was fangirling for his evil appearance, because Kimi is kind of a bad boy. His agent made a statement that Kimi took sleeping pills to relieve his insomnia. I don’t know the feeling of melancholia which I’ve never went through. Recently, every time I read some news about his death, I felt heartbroken and wept for his sudden death.