F2F class notes 27th September (Christian)

Q:how have you been?=What have you been doing recently

A: Ive been……ok/ good…/ not too bad…/ i cant complain…

complain= Talking about something that you are not happy with

eg: I have to complain about the rent price, its too expensive.

eg I dont want to complain, but I have to or nothing will change.

eg: The weather today was ok, I cant complain.

Q:Whats up?= what have you been doing recently

A: Just working everyday, nothing exciting, whats up with you?

Hows it going?= How is your life at the moment

Whats new?= tell me if anything new has happened in your life,

Hows your day been?= How was your day today

my colleague went on holiday so I helped her= I covered my friends shift whilst shes away.

Shift= time you have to work/ work schedule

eg: What shift are you on today? night shift(4pm- 12pm) or day shift? 8am-5pm)

covering= doing her job whilst she is away as she cant do it
eg: you are covering for your friend whilst she is away.

my parents is home=My parents will stay at home

my parents dont like travel = My parents dont like to travel

low- Somewhere that is a small distance from the ground

high- somewhere that is a big distance from the ground

short- a person that is short in height.

tall- a person that is big in size(height)

can we change the subject= a polite way of saying you dont want to talk about something

he like himself too much= hes too self centered

self centered= only care about yourself, you are the most important thing and everything else comes second.

he is doctor= He,s a dentist

I met him through a friend= I met him as we share the same friends

I dont like hospital because my work there= I dont want to find a boyfriend in the same place that I work, it would cause too many problems.

pregnant= PREG-Nant (when you have a baby growing inside)