F2F Class Notes 27th September (Celeste)

Homework for next class: Self edit the story below. Bring it to your next class or submit it on the upload writing page. 

stand on stage and give a speech to the audience

give the audience a speech

I’m not well educated on the leaders of the world.

presidential election / debate

VPN – Virtual Private Network

Politics does not affect me.

Europeans are concerned/care about politics.


I watched an interview about interviewing British people and asked him, “Are you satisfied with the conclusion?” He said, “I didn’t think about that very carefully. So I just voted very carelessly.” First he thought it doesn’t mind if he votes to stay or leave the union, but now he regrets voting for leaving. Over 10% British people want to vote again but the government  doesn’t agree with that because the government thought the first vote was significant. The decision was decided by the whole British people. So now, we choose the conclusion. So maybe after conclusion the government needs to do something about leaving union.