F2F Class Notes 27th September (Raph)

Sketch (n): 1- a quick, rough drawing that shows the main features of an object or scene.
E.g.: I just drew a sketch of a new dress.

Enjoy (v): 1- to like or take pleasure in something. Do have or experience something good.
E.g.: I enjoy studying Fashion Design very much.

Yet (adv): 1- until now : so far.
E.g.: He hasn’t arrived yet.

Course (n): 1- a series of classes about a particular subject in a school.
E.g.: I’m taking a Chinese course twice a week.

Visit (v): 1- to go somewhere to spend time with (someone, such as a friend or relative).
E.g.: I will go to Ningbo to visit my grandparents.

Weekday (n): 1- any day of the week except Saturday and Sunday.
E.g.: On weekdays I stay in my own apartment, but on weekends I usually go to my parents’ apartment.

Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I am a student.

Q: How long have you been living in Shanghai?
A: I’ve been living in Shanghai for three years.

Q: How often do you visit your grandparents in Ningbo?
A: I visit them once every two months. / I visit them every other month.

Q: Do you ______?
A: Yes, I do.
No, I don’t

Q: Can you ______?
A: Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.

Q: Are you ______?
A: Yes, I am.
No, I’m not.

Q: Have you ______?
A: Yes, I have
No, I haven’t

Thailand: 泰国
Seoul: 汉城

(Original – Edited)
China beaches are very little – There aren’t many nice beaches in China.