F2F Class Notes 27th October (Jesse)


weird = strange
eg. you’re so weird

bitter – ku
eg. i love bitter foods

popularity contest – when you need to be popular in order to succeed
eg. sometimes being a teacher can feel like a popularity contest

keep it to yourself – keep it a secret – keep it under wraps = don’t tell other people

closest friends and family = qing qi
eg. the first day of the wedding is for our closest friends and family

what’s it called? – na ge jiao shenme?
what does this word mean? – zhi ge dan ci shi shenme yi si?
how do you say..? – zenme shuo?

chilled out / easygoing – qing song de
eg. I like more chilled out jobs rather than stressful ones

clean shaven – sb who has no hair on their face
eg. i like clean shaven men

i like him the way he is now < > i don’t like the way he was before
the way you are now is better 


spain = “spay n” 
portugal = “por tyou gul” 

architect – “arck i tekt”