F2F Class Notes 27th October (Jesse) [2]


target – “tar get”

transaction – “tran zaction” 

refugee – “ref you jee”

purpose – “per pes”


experiences studying = studies
eg. I have learned a lot in my studies

object to it (disagree) / reject it (authority)

loophole – a hole in a legal rule that allows for some manipulation / allows for you to take advantage of it
eg. we use a legal loophole in order to purchase companies more smoothly

shady = dodgy

rethink = to think again and make a new decision (regret)
reminisce = to think about sth from the past in a positive way (happy thoughts)

smooth / easy 
eg. it will help to make the purchasing process smoother


differences / verbal agreement  / unbearable / studies / reminisce

there are a lot of differences between chinese culture and german culture, for eg our chinese clients they always think the verbal agreement is enough but for the counterparty they always think no, we should write it down and to make sure everything is fixed. sometimes for me it’s unbearable because i need to translate german into english for my chinese clients and at the same time i also need to translate english into german for my german colleagues because they cannot understand each other very well. in order to make my chinese client to understand everything very well i need to do a lot of researches and studies. at that moment i felt unbearable but after that when i reminisced i felt that i had already learned a lot of thing from this communication work.

there are a lot of differences between chinese culture and german culture, for eg our chinese clients always think the verbal agreement is enough, but for the counter-party, they always think no, we should write it down to make sure everything is fixed / set in stone / clear. Sometimes for me it’s unbearable because i need to translate german into chinese for my chinese clients and at the same time i also need to translate chinese into german for my german colleagues because they cannot understand each other very well. in order to make my chinese client completely understand everything, i need to do a lot of research and studies / studying. at that moment i felt it was unbearable but after that when i reminisced i felt that i had already learned a lot of things from this communication.

remember: don’t use “to” unless you need to say the reason + a verb, or you need to connect to verbs that are related.
remember: don’t use the pro-noun after the subject especially at the start of a sentence.

my studies have taken me into topics like audio, teaching, and law.