F2F Class Notes 27th February (Jesse)


start the answer immediately
always say the reason
work out the logical flow that you’re most comfortable with (it could be: 1 – overall situation. 2 – location. 3 – people, who are they? 4 – what did you do exactly? 5 – how did you feel? summarise experience)

i used to do – the best way to describe the past, but not now

Describe a meal you treated others (at home or restaurant)
Where you had this meal
What you ate
Who you treated
How you felt about it

The meal that I want to talk about where I treated others, was when I took my best friend out for a meal at a hotpot restaurant. The reason I chose a hotpot restaurant is because she really loved / she was a really big fan of hot pot. We ordered the half spicy, half non-spicy type because I don’t really like spicy food but she was really into it. In Chinese when we eat hot pot we can order many types of food such as / for example / including meat, vegetables and seafood. I treated my best friend because it was my birthday and brought me a birthday gift and I thought it was nice to shout her the meal. It was a very unusual experience because we got drunk at the restaurant by drinking too much wine, so we were really dizzy but happy and full of energy.

shout sb sth / take sb out for / treat sb to sth

pay her back