F2F Class Notes 27th April (Celeste)

Review 4/24:

to psych yourself up – to prepare your courage

tang xia – lay down

ex: I lay down on the bed because I want to sleep.

was about to begin < > just began

ex: The show was about to begin.

ex: The show just began.

doesn’t have any useit doesn’t work

ex: I want to reduce my hate by doing sports but it doesn’t work.

sneeze – da pen ti

ex: Her sneeze was very loud.

ex: She sneezes all day long because of her cold.

bless you – we say this after sb sneezes

dialect – fang yen

ex: There are a lot of different dialects.

affection – to show someone love or warm emotions

eg. i show my affection to my mum and my brothers

ex: I gave my affection to my friend to make her feel better.

anaesthetic ( an is thet ic ) – the numbing medicine

eg. i got anaesthetic before my surgery

ex: Anaesthetic is used to reduce the pain in a surgery.

I take the wrong subway in the wrong direction. – I took the wrong subway in the wrong direction.

Game of Thrones came back. – Game of Thrones has returned/started again.

I watched one episode/show.

I love the show Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones = GOT

ex: I watched GOT last night.

opposite of ‘straight’   crooked, not straight

scalpel – small knife used in surgery

ex: The doctor used a scalpel to pull my tooth out which was growing crooked.


I plan to have braces to straighten my teeth.

play dough – dough for children to play with

clay/ modeling clay –  dough for adults, usually