F2F Class Notes 26th March (Cricket)***


Research some product descriptions for your job. Find the description in English and look for new words to ask the teacher about next class.


reimbursed–  you spend money but it is given back to you later

eg. I bought the pillows but then I was reimbursed by my company.

tomboy– girl that likes to do things that boys normally do- sometimes they are more tough than boys- they like to dress less girly.

eg. Emma Watson is very tomboyish.

Writing exercise


I’m working on an online shop for pets. We usually sold something like dog  food and catfood something for sleeping like bed. Some snacks for training the pets. We usually sell something for fish and rabbits. Now I will find something new for people like pillows. Have some pictures for the doggy catties on pillows. I want to sell cups. We just think we will change our job not just for pets.


I’m working on an online shop for pets. We usually sell things like dog food and cat food. We sell beds for pets. We also sell snacks for training  pets. We have things for fish and rabbits too. Now I’m researching new products to sell to people. I have picked animal face mats to go up on the site. I also want to sell cups. My company has decided to sell more products other than animal things.