F2F Class Notes 24th July (Jesse)

opportunity – chance / ji hui
eg. I don’t have many opportunities to speak English these days

go to university

circumstances (the details of your situation)

to give birth to twins

ambitious – people who have a lot of plans and have high standards for themselves and their life
eg. Jesse is very ambitious but Shell is only a little ambitious

i will to do iti will do it

scar – ba
eg. I have a scar on my hand from when I was a kid

i just have this left / remaining 

gave me stitches
eg. I got 3 stitches in my thumb

thumbs + fingers = 10

Child need more time to play, but in China after school they always stay at home to study or to learn other skills. Every parent think if their children do not study more than other one, they will fall. From my childhood that many children have studied overtime to now. I think study more is helpful their future.

Child need more time to play, but in China after school they always stay at home to study or to learn other skills. Every parent think if their children do not study more than other one, they will fall. From my childhood that many children have studied overtime to now. I think study more is helpful their future.