F2F Class Notes 22nd August (Raph)

Footprint (n): 1- the impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface.
E.g.: They walked along the beach, leaving footprints on the ground.

Footsteps (n): 1- a step taken by a person in walking, especially as heard by another person.
E.g.: He was scared when he heard footsteps behind him.

Fingerprint (n): 1- an impression or mark made on a surface by a person’s fingertip, able to be used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern of whorls and lines on the fingertips.
E.g.: They checked their fingerprints at the airport.

Procrastinate (v): 1- delay or postpone action; put off doing something.
E.g.: He is a vey smart person, but he procrastinates a lot, which makes him a bad employee.

Insomnia (n): 1- inability to sleep.
E.g.: Whenever I feel stressed, anxious or excited, I have insomnia.

Scholarship (n): 1- a grant or payment made to support a student’s education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement.
E.g.: He was awarded a scholarship to support his studies.

Fulfill (v): 1- achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted).
E.g.: He won’t be able to fulfill his ambition to visit Italy this year.

BRICS = Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa