F2F Class notes 22nd August (Eddie)


1. What makes you different from other candidates?
I am a two-year old child’s mother and I have been a full time mother for 2 years. I think I am more patient than other candidates. I have one year experience in teaching that helps me improve so much. I have known more about students’ needs and how to teach students more effective.

2. What have you done that has been successful? ( in life or at work)
Actually, I was nervous in front of students because I was lack of experience. There has been many times i gave lessons not in front of students but also in front of other teachers and principals. So , I think I have overcome my tension and it is successful.

3. What are 3 adjectives you would use to describe yourself? What would your previous boss say?

Hard-working, responsible and smart.

My previous boss said I was a smart and hard-working girl. He said, I became more professional to be a teacher and in making ppts in one year.


1. What makes you different from other candidates?

I have a two-year old daughter. Raising my daughter has taught me patience and has made me a very resilient person, which I trust will give me an advantage over other candidates. I spent one year teaching geography in primary school which was a very useful experience in learning more about students’ needs and how to teach them more effectively.

2. What have you done that has been successful? ( in life or at work)

My teaching experience has had several benefits. It allowed me to strengthen my ability to conduct classes not only in front of students, but also in front of other teachers and other school officials. Building my confidence to speak in front of audiences is among my top accomplishments after one year in this job.

3. What are 3 adjectives you would use to describe yourself? What would your previous boss say?

[I have always tried my best to be a] hard-working, responsible and a dedicated team player.

My previous boss relied on me by constantly seeking my help and advice on a wide range of topics. He was impressed with the progress that I made over the course of one year, e.g. my report writing and IT skills.

interviewer = the person asking the questions

interviewee = the person answering the questions

(employer vs employee)

A: How’s the soup?
B: It’s sooooo goooood!

The mushroom soup at the Cuccina is nothing short of breath-taking.

Nothing short of amazing.