F2F Class Notes 21st August (Jesse)

i with my friend want to watch the movie – i want to watch a movie with my friend

preview / trailer – yu gao pian

just came out / it hasn’t come out yet 

jealous – bad
envy – not bad

lead singer / lead actor / leader 
eg. Jesse leads SE
eg2. Celeste is the lead teacher at SE

I got up at 9oclock AM and I ate the breakfast red sugar and … tea and some egg pancake and after the breakfast I went back to sleep again for 2 hours. Every morning like the same thing. And I got up to here to study English. In the afternoon I will go to watch the movie with my friend and we will eat dinner together. That’s all. 

I got up at 9oclock and I ate breakfast which was red sugar and ginger tea and some egg pancake. After breakfast I went back to sleep again for 2 hours. Every morning is like the same thing. I came here to study English with Jesse for 40 minutes. In the afternoon I will go to watch a movie with my friend and we will eat dinner together. That’s all. 

that’s all / that’s it = jiu zhe yang / jiu ke yi le

and / the

I have a phone which is apple
I have a student who is named Shell

what – the thing
eg. I know the thing you mean
eg2. I know what you want

which = .It
eg. I have a computer. It is Apple.
eg2. I have a computer which is Apple.
eg3. I bought a computer which is Apple, which makes me really happy.

I have what you want = I have the thing you want = I have something you want
I have who you want = I have the person you want = I have someone you want

I have you want the thing

what do you want?
which one do you want?