F2F Class Notes 21th August (Ben)
Finish class I will go to my friend’s home. –> After class
She live –> She liveS
I will by subway. –> I will GO by subway.
hen was the last time you saw her ? see/saw/seen
I’m forget. –> I forgot.
I learn English. OK
I am learning English. OK
I am learn. WRONG
I am forget. WRONG
I forget. OK
I forgot. OK
at 2 o’clock
We will chat.
We only at home.–> We will BE only at home. = We are just going to stay home.
I want XXX to XXXX
I want my friends to become good students.
I want my parents to be happy.
I want my English to improve.
I am waiting for my teacher to come.
Tonight, I will tell my mom to rest.
I waited for the rain to stop.
The population of China is about 1.7 billion.
The population of Canada is about 35 million. 35,000,000
Are you neighbours?
I should by bus go her home. –>
“by” is not a verb! You cannot say “should by” !
I should bus
“bus” is not a verb! You cannot say “should bus” !
I should go
去 go TO
I should go TO her home by bus. (I should go by bus to her home = OK but strange)
I need to go to her home by bus. = ALL OK
go TO school, go TO work, go TO the office, go TO the train station, go TO my friend’s home
/!\ go home
I am AT school, AT work, AT the office, AT the train station, AT my friend’s home
/!\ I am home.
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