F2F Class Notes 20th June (Jesse)

soft – software

cell – ge zi 

column – shu

row – heng

we plan to hard work on the work 

we plan to work hard on our career / on our work 

2 hours to lunch2 hours for lunch

eg. we have 2 hours


to verb

for noun

go into an account

log in

sign in

to register that you’ve arrived 

sign in

punch in / punch out 

insisted on it – jian chi – to continue doing sth without giving up

eg. i insisted on trying to fix the problem 

i insisted – jian chi – to say something strongly and not allow an alternative

eg. “i insist, let me pay today” 

talked about my bosstalked with my boss about sth

+ which – remember to use it more often

do you think your current or previous job is more suitable for you 

strict – to treat sb strongly

eg. i am strict with myself 

in charge of = manage / run / take responsibility of / be responsible for / oversee 

i can charge ofi am in charge of

under my control 

at last company – my previous company / at my last company

the now company – my current company  

at last = finally 

executive – ex ZECK you tive

execute – ECKS eh cute 

execution – ecks eh CUE shen 

finance – cai wu 

eg. i studied finance at uni

recognition – i think you did something well 

eg. my boss gives me recognition when I do something well, by giving me a bonus

recommendation – i think you are suitable for sth  

eg. that movie was a recommendation from my friend 

ruan – messy 

eg. the company’s structure is a bit messy at the moment

messed up = make a mistake / seriously troubled / really bad (crazy) 

eg. i messed up at work today 

eg2. he is so messed up 

eg3. god, that’s really messed up 

ming que – clear 

eg. the communication about the company’s structure changes was not clear

announce – v 

announcement – n 

eg. there was no announcement about the company structure changes, because my boss didn’t announce it. 

reporting line – who is the boss of who, and who is under who.

pay his timespend his time