F2F Class Notes 20th December (Tony)


I know your feeling – I know how you feel.

I agree with you.

I don’t sleep well

What do you know about…(Christmas)? I know you give gifts on Christmas. I know you spend it with your family.

People’s Square

A friend of a friend

5 or 6 years

Q: Who do you know at SmartEnglish?

A: I know Tony, Ben, Jesse, Claire

Q: Oh, yeah I know them too, have you met Cricket?

A: No, I haven’t met Cricket.


spend time – use time eg: “Who do you spend National Holiday with?” I spend national holiday with my family.

on call – you’re not working, but maybe they will call you to come work.

eg: “Nurses and Doctors have to be on call during the holidays.”

Santa Claus – the big fat happy guy, who gives gifts to all the good children.

eg: “Santa brings gifts to good children and coal to bad children.”


Portuguese – Por Cha geez