F2F Class Notes 20th December (Tony)

Democrat – The liberal political party in USA

Republican – The Conservative political party in USA

Liberal – 1. free or open minded

eg: “The statue of Liberty represents a liberal country where people are free to decide.”

2. generous to others : giving time, money, etc., freely to other people

eg: “She has always been liberal with her donations.” “I have a friend who is very liberal with lending money to others.”

Conservative – 1. believing in the value traditional practices in politics and society 

eg: “Conservative politicians are against gay marriage.”

2. not liking or accepting changes or new ideas

eg: “She’s more conservative now than when she was in college.” “In China our generation is not that conservative, compared to our parent’s generation.”

Conserve – to not use too much

eg: “We need to conserve water, because clean drinking water will be rare in the future.” “Conserve your energy, we still have a long hike.” “If we book a cheap hotel we can conserve more money to see more places.”

precedent – an example of something that happened before

eg: “Obama set a precedent, as the first black President of America.” “The Monkey King is an unprecedented movie in China.”

unprecedented – something that has never happened before

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